About Us

Our Creed (Golden Rule)

Our purpose is to distribute the highest quality product and to service our clients in a manner consistent with the “Golden Rule”. We wish to treat our valued customers as we would like to be treated-fairly, honestly and with the highest level of integrity and respect.

We will create a workplace environment where all our partners will have the opportunity to reach their maximum potential in a nurturing, challenging way.

God has provided us the opportunity to serve our valued clients. Hence, we will strive to honor Him in our daily activities through the application of the Golden Rule in all our endeavors.

Our consistent effort to apply the Golden Rule will consequently allow us to achieve our desired objectives and thus be amply rewarded.

Why Drink Water?

We all know that water is good for us but often the reasons why it is good for us are a little fuzzy. Even when we know water is good for us, we don’t form the habits that enable us to drink water, so here are a few examples of why water is good for us and a few tips on how to become a better water drinker.

Weight Loss

Water is one of the best tools for weight loss. First of all, if you drink water instead of high-calorie drinks like sodas and juices, you will very quickly see weight loss by reducing caloric intake. Additionally, water is a great and effective appetite suppressant with little or no side effects, unlike some dietary supplements. By making yourself a habitual water drinker some of your hunger pains may go away because they are in fact thirsty pangs. So instead of eating a snack, with 150+ calories, we can drink water 0 calories, and satisfy that hunger pang/pain.

 Heart Healthy

 Drinking a good amount of water could lower your risks of a heart attack. A six-year study published in 2002 by the American Journal of Epidemiology found those who drink more than 5 glasses of water a day were 41 % less likely to die from a heart attack during the study period than those who drank less than two glasses a day.


Being dehydrated can sap your energy and make you feel tired, even mild dehydration of as little as 1 or 2 percent of your body weight. If you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated, and this can lead to fatigue, muscle weakness, dizziness, and other symptoms.

How do I form a water habit?

First and foremost, how much water is enough? While not scientific a good place to start is the 8/8 rule. Eight, eight-ounce glasses a day. Your weight, your age, your level of activity all are factors to include when determining exactly how much water you should drink. It is not a good sign for you to drink water only when you are thirsty …. too late. It is best to form a routine that works for you such as; a glass of water when you wake up, a glass with each meal, a glass between meals, and certainly before, during and after you exercise.

Headache cure

Another symptom of dehydration is headaches. In fact, often when we have headaches it is simply a matter of not drinking enough water. There are certainly many other causes of headaches; however, dehydration is certainly one of those causes.

Healthy skin

Drinking water can clear up your skin and people often report a healthy glow after becoming properly hydrated. You can possibly tell a difference in as little as a week of proper hydration in your skin feel and touch.

Digestive problems

Our digestive systems need a good amount of water to digest food properly. Often water can help cure stomach acid problems, and water along with fiber can cure constipation which is often brought on by dehydration.

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